Stability You Can See
Texture impacts the visual appearance of a beverage which can influence consumer perception and acceptability. Maximize the power of stabilized proteins to bring smooth and stable beverage products that satisfy the demands of discerning consumers. When proteins are properly stabilized and in solution shaking of the product before use is not necessary.

Plant-based proteins are not as soluble as dairy proteins and can easily precipitate if not correctly buffered and protected from certain minerals. When proteins are stable the result is a product with exceptional mouthfeel and superior shelf-life.
Beverage Applications:
- Protein Drinks
- Sports Drinks
- Fortified Juices
- Smoothies
- Dairy Beverages
- UHT-Milk & UHT-Cream
- Plant-Based Milks and Creamers
Key Trends:
- Protein Enrichment
- Health & Wellness
- Convenience
- Low Sugar
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